Saturday, September 21, 2013

Carbon Tax Kills … Businesses and Politicians

Politics in Australia can be confusing to outsiders.  For example, the Labor party is “liberal”, whereas the Liberal party is.”conservative”. Think about that. The Labor party came to power in 2007, with Kevin Rudd as the party leader.  In Australian politics the leader of the successful political party becomes the Prime Minister.  Party in-fighting between Rudd, a progressive liberal, and Julia Gillard, a communist (seriously), resulted in Julia Gillard taking over party leadership, in a coalition with the Green party.  In 2010 Gillard became Australia’s first woman Prime Minister.

The Labor party has promoted a radical agenda regarding man-caused global warming for years, yet they promised the public that they would not implement a Carbon Tax.  Labor’s coalition with the Green Party apparently pushed them over the edge.  Gillard’s government brazenly implemented a Carbon Tax.  The public outcry was so intense that it disrupted the Labor party leadership.  In a rush for damage control, Rudd displaced Gillard as party head and Prime Minister last June. A By-Election (Special Election) was forced upon the government.  The September 7, 2013, election was essentially a referendum on the Carbon Tax.

Kevin Rudd’s “liberal” political campaign strategy was to promise more give-away programs to an already socialized citizenry.

Tony Abbott, leader of the Liberal party, who is more of a centrist, simply promised that, if elected, he would abolish the Carbon Tax, which economists were claiming would bankrupt Australian businesses…and the country.  

The Labor party lost the election by the widest margin in 70 years.

Tony Abbott and the Liberal – National party coalition won.  Australia retuned to a conservative government.  Tony Abbott’s first words after being sworn in as Prime Minister included…"The carbon tax will be gone during our term… I say that since the carbon tax is costly and irrational, it will destroy all politicians who get involved in it.”

Observation:  Single issue politics can be powerful. Politicians BEWARE.

Australia’s CNNOpinion suggests that… “Gillard’s breach of her “no carbon tax” pledge has been a lesson to all political leaders”. 

And so it should.  But where is the US press coverage?