Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight: The Movie

Angie's blog is worth reading. It is instructive. I have lived with the twilight series since Kathie started reading them earlier this year. I succumbed to reading the first two...but strange as it may seem to women...I lost interest.

I recently overheard a conversation, between two women, at the Bear River Mental Health Department. (the location is possibly significant). They were discussing Twilight and the upcoming movie. They were passionate about it of course. I thought I would get into the spirit of the conversation and asked..."So ladies...are you Edward fans, or Jacob fans?" They responded in unison as if it was a really dumb male question..."Edward fans...of course!". I had to respond defensively... " wife is a Jacob fan".

The younger of the two women asked somewhat accusingly, "Have you read any of the Twilight series?" I had to admit that I had read two. She warmed up slightly and said "You know...I think that if men would read these books, they would understand women better." I thought to myself..."You have to be kidding!"

This is how I see it: Bella, a 16 year old, self described ordinary girl, meets Edward, a pasty white, ice cold, high school student, whom she thinks is the most handsome man in the world. He is actually 70 + years old...he's a vampire...he never sleeps, moves faster than a speeding bullet, and only eats and breaths to keep up appearances. He has no worries, his family (vampires all) have an unlimited source of income, and fast cars...and they have an unlimited source of bears, cougars, etc., in the Washington wilderness, which they hunt for blood.

Edward's only problem in life, is that he can't stand close proximity to Bella...why...because she smells really good...and he really wants to suck her blood...and kill all her classmates. Bella, of course does not know this, but when she finally discovers the dreadful truth, she is deeply moved...totally unconcerned...and completely smitten. Love triumphs over blood-sucking. And she has another friend who is a handsome 6'4" Indian who is a werewolf, whose life is ruined forever, because he loves Bella. It is a true love triangle...Bella, a vampire and a werewolf.

OK...I get it...what was I thinking?...NOW I understand women!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Gosh Dad... now that you have it all figured out think how easy life could have been if these books had been written 40 years ago!!!!