Saturday, April 4, 2009

DISTRACTIONS rude!...Andy and I attended the Priesthood Session of General Conference tonight...and I'm offended! Well...I'm trying to act as if I'm offended, even though one of the speakers said that true believers in the Restored Gospel should NOT be offended by anything.

But President Uchtdorf said something that made me think anyway.

He gave one of his great aviation stories, about a flight crew who were so distracted by an indicator light which did not come on when it was supposed to during a landing approach, that they forgot the main mission...which was to land the plane safely...and they crashed into the Florida swamps killing all aboard...over 100 people.

He was making a good point: It was good for the flight crew to be concerned about an indicator light...but not good in the big picture to become so discracted that the plane went down. He said likewise, it is a good thing for a Priesthood holder...a father or grandfather... to be involved in FAMILY HISTORY, BLOGGING or GARDENING...but not if he becomes distracted and loses sight of his primary mission... which is to provide for and bless his family.

It was interesting that President Uchtdorf chose to highlight those three otherwise positive potential distractions. Who do we know who is involved in all three? When President Uchtdorf made that statement, Andy just turned...looked at me... and smiled his best "Oh-my-gosh" smile.

Of course Kathie was really sympathetic when I gave her my report of the Priesthood Session. She knows how to sooth her man's damaged ego. She offered a thoughtful observation about President Uchtdorf..."He probably looked really good while he was offending you though." That's true....but I think I'll read DESIDERATA again.


Missy W. said...

are you serious? That is really really funny. :)

Angie said...

Were there more than those three "evil" hobbies in the list? I can just see Andy's look now!

Andy Wegener said...

Nope just three. :)